New Year

The start of a new year always has me thinking about new things I would like to try out.  So in no particular order, some of the things I have in mind.

1.  Learn to use my camera.  This has been on my list of things to do for a while now.  I'd like to go on a camera course at some point.
2.  Read more.  In particular I want to read more 'classics'.  While I was studying I was painfully aware of how few of the 'classics' I had read.
3.  Keep up with my blog - well of course :-)
4.  Go back to researching my family history.
5.  Read more poetry.
6.  Listen to more music.  When I was a teenager I was glued to my transistor radio and record player (oh yes, I am THAT old! <g>)  For some reason as the years have gone by I listen to less and less music.
7.  Do more exercise/watch weight/stick to advised alcohol limits, blah, blah, blah.
8.  Keep up to date with my podcasts.

So as I update my blog (3) I am listening to (6) Teenage Kicks 1977-81 - The Music that Changed Everything, apparently :-).  I am working my way through a poetry book (5) that we used on one of the literature courses I studied with the OU Romantic Writings:  An Anthology.  I have read:

Instructions, Supposed to be Written in Paris, for the mob in England ) by Mary Alcock (c. 1742-98)
The Chimney-Sweeper's Complaint                                                       )
The Mouse's Petition to Doctor Priestley ) by Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825)
The Rights of Woman                               )

And I am currently reading (2) Moby Dick by Herman Melville.  I think this book is going to be something of a slog!
