Sue and Howard come to visit

Sue and Howard have actually been before.  It was the November after we arrived when it was freezing cold, grey and a tad miserable.  They had a good time and promised to come back when the weather was better.  Always something of a challenge here in Jutland!  Anyway, they lucked out and came over last weekend when, thankfully, the weather was beginning to turn and get milder.  You will note I don't say warm! ;-)

We took them off to the deer park in town to feed the deer.  The deer are used to visitors and particularly like those who come bearing carrots.

I think one of them is getting a bit of a stern talking to for being too greedy <g>.

The boss comes over to make sure his ladies are being treated with respect.

We took a trip over to Fanø where the sand is so hard we can drive on the beach.

We checked out one of our favourite eateries - Sonderhø Kro.  Sue and Howard taking advantage of the local Fanø brews.

The inevitable trip to see the four men.

Just to prove spring is coming .....

We also went over the nature park at the Lake of Filsø.  It used to be the second biggest lake in Denmark but around the second world war it was drained and the ground used for farming.  Recently it has been flooded and reconstructed and many lovely walks can be taken there.

And lots of opportunities for mutts to have their tummy tickled :-).
