
Every two years, Mark's firm has a bit of a love-fest where the spouses (spice??) are also invited.  This year said love-fest was scheduled to take place in Munich.  Naturally, they chose my birthday weekend and we had to cancel a trip to Zurich but the year wouldn't be complete without Maersk stuffing up at least one set of holiday plans! 

The first afternoon the partners were invited to join the conference and we heard various views on the world economic situation.  The upshot is that it is all very uncertain and a difficult climate in which to do business!  We also learned that economic forecasting had been invented to make astrology look respectable :-).  On Friday, the partners went off to do a scavenger hunt around Munich.  Fortunately the weather was glorious and we had a good opportunity to take in the sights.

Friday afternoon saw me undertaking one of the most stupid things I have ever done, and I have done some stupid things.  I decided to climb to the top of the Olympic Stadium and then descend via a zip line!  It seemed like such a good idea at the time!

Here I am all booted and suited for the 'experience'.

I have to say that the views from the top of the stadium were spectacular.

This is the lady in front of me going down the zip line.

I was greatly relieved to be at the bottom in one piece.  Jumping off the platform into thin air was one of the scariest things I have done in a long time.  I was shaking like a leaf when I was finally 'released' from all the safety equipment.  I am proud I have ticked the 'zip line' box but do not feel the need to repeat the experience!

Saturday was spent in a much more civilised fashion.  Mark and I elected to drive a 'classic car' around the environs of Munich.  Do not ask me what type of classic car it was, all I can tell you is that it was a white one.

Mark behind the wheel.

We stopped for a picnic lunch at the Chiemsee; the weather was glorious.

You will probably notice that I have changed into some more comfortable shoes.  Fortunately my chum Tina (other lady in the pic) had a spare pair of sandals.  I had forgotten to pack any flat shoes; my only comfortable shoes being my Ecco walking boots which didn't quite 'go' with the frock!

Saturday evening, Mark and I glammed up for dinner at the Emperor's Hall at  Munich Residenz, the former royal palace of the Bavarian monarchs.  Very swish!

This is the Emperor's Hall where we had dinner:

And the Room of the Four Horsemen is where the disco was held!

Thankfully Mark and I were at a table with some interesting people (it doesn't always work out that way!!) and we had a fabulous evening.  Sunday was my birthday and the first few hours were spent in the palace and then drinking cocktails back at the hotel.  What more could a woman ask for? :-)


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time. To quote Bill Bailey - "You scrubbed up lovely for a posh bird!"


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