Ground Force

As you are now aware, gentle reader, I spent part of July catching up with friends and generally enjoying self.  However!  I wouldn't want you to run away with the idea that it was all fun and merriment.  I did actually have to work *shock, horror, trauma*.

My dear old dad is now 76 and has finally had to admit that he cannot do the stuff he used to do.  This has been all too obvious in his beloved garden.  My dad has always been a keen gardener but it is fair to say that his interest in the back yard has waned. 

After a bit of a conflab Mark and I agreed to weed the garden and I would put down liner and chipped bark.  Naturally, all this was agreed before I realised the magnitude of the undertaking!  Mark and I managed to get about 2/3 of the garden weeded before Mark returned to the land of the Danes; I was left to manage the rest.  Oh joy.  I will not bore you with the details (several rolls of liner and countless (60+) bags of bark!) but suffice to say I have been on the receiving end of the professional attention of the local chiropracter since I returned to the land of the Danes!  Anyway, long story short, after a lot of hard work from all three of us it looks bloody lovely and I now consider myself Harefield's equivalent of Charlie Dimmock but with better 'upholstery'! <g>


  1. Lovely garden - just a bit too much bark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You have no idea how much too much bark!!!!

  3. In my previous life I bought enough "aggregates" to provide drainage in 6 LARGE planters. When the sacks arrived, I thought I would have enough to turn the whole street into a gravel drive, but when I had half killed myself emptying all the sacks, I hadn't even filled the planters. I imagine that you bought twice the volume of the house (plus a bit) of bark before it all mysteriously evaporated onto the garden!


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