Dave's 50th

So, after a month in the UK, what is the best way of spending our first weekend back in Denmark?  Yes, flying back to the UK to help Mark's sister's husband (my brother-in-law??) celebrate his 50th birthday.  Jo (S-i-L) and Dave live in Knutsford which is in Cheshire.  They do NOT live in Manchester.  I hope that is clear.  Anyway, wherever they live, whenever we have visited the weather has been sh*t*.  So, gentle reader, you will understand my reservations about my S-i-L organising a garden party, even though it was in August.  Well, all reservations were unfounded, the weather was glorious.  OK, it didn't rain.

Unfortunately, B-i-L went down with some sort of stomach bug.  Now we knew it was serious as he left the Bolton Wanderers game at half time on the Friday - in fact, some of us, on that basis, considered it might be terminal!  However, B-i-L is something of a trouper and attended his party although reserved an 'Olympic Lane' to allow easy access to the nearest bathroom.  Not an unreasonable arrangement under the circumstances :-).

M-i-L thoroughly enjoying herself :-).

Alfie II - S-i-L's new pooch.

M-i-L and Erin (Mark's niece) watching M-i-L having her fortune told.

Dog Whisperer :-).

S-i-L having her fortune told directly prior to self being told to 'Bog off!' (charming <g>).

Erin making some sort of modern and trendy statement (frankly, no idea!)

Dave giving his speech under 'pressing' circumstances!

My beautiful S-i-L :-).

Mark, M-i-L and I having lunch the next day.

Right nice weekend :-).


  1. Dog whisperer too cute! Would he like to come and try that on Athos? Dog shouter-at-top-of-voice-to-no-avail is nearer the mark here!!


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