M-i-L's Visit

Margaret, my mother-in-law, loves coming to Denmark.  She usually comes in May when it is her birthday but I was due to be on a revision weekend so she came at the end of April instead.  The weather was not brilliant but we made the most of things. 

We went over to Fanø for lunch to one of the oldest inns in Jutland.

We went up to Blåvand for walk/run on the beach:

We gave M-i-L her birthday present which was met with great approval :-).

Then we went out to check-out Mark's latest 'gadget'.


  1. There's nothing quite a beautiful as a "northern" beach! I know we have the Med on our doorstep, but I'm English and pastel, windswept, rugged beaches are what I'm used to!

    Great present for M-i-L - no wonder she looks pleased!

    Forgive my ignorance, but what IS Mark's latest gadget? I'm having trouble getting excited about a fire-powered floating laundry bag!

  2. You can't get excited about 'a fire-powered floating laundry bag'? Shame on you!!

  3. If it would do the laundry, iron it, and put it back in the cupboard without expecting a Nobel prize, I'd get excited. Otherwise, it's just a floating bag!


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