April 10th????!!!!!

I can't believe it has been that long since I wrote in my blog!  How quickly the time goes!  We have had a bunch of visitors and I have been concentrating on my final assignment for my college course but even so ......

Anyway!  I thought I would talk about our trip to Ebeltoft.  This is where Mark and I went for Easter (crikey was it that long ago!)  Ebeltoft is on the East coast and is the hilly part of Denmark.  It is a lovely place with cobbled, windy streets and some interesting places to visit.

Street entertainment was good too :-)


  1. Ah, you're back! Only yesterday Kevin asked me if I'd heard from you and I said that, as the blog remained "in limbo" I assumed you were busy with your books.

    Looks pretty, like a place made out of Lego! Dare one ask what the bloke in the last picture is waving at the camera????

  2. Yes, it's amazing how two months can slip by. I had a large final assignment to write then straight into revision mode. Then I had to catch up on all the stuff that got neglected while I was revising! Hey ho!!

    The guy is waving a balloon .

  3. That's what he told you, was it?!

  4. Could have told me anything, my Danish is lousy


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