Migrating Birds

Migrating birds are a bit of an attraction here in Denmark.  I am not sure why.  I know nothing about birds, migrating or otherwise.  But one of the things you learn as an expat is to go with the flow.  You end up doing stuff that you would not ordinarily do because, well, that's the way it is.  So there we were on a Saturday evening, in downtown Ribe, birdwatching.  Or more accurately, waiting to see some migrating birds - starlings, to be precise.

The Wadden Sea Centre, bless their hearts, organise a series of evenings where you can go and watch these birds as they return to the wetlands in Ribe.

I've got to be honest, I didn't really understand a lot of it (nothing to do with a language barrier - the Danish guide very obligingly translated everything into English) and it was chuffing cold. 

But after about 90 minutes of standing around in what felt like sub-zero temperatures the starlings came in to land.  They 'dance' in the sky for quite some considerable time which is truly amazing.  These pictures do not do it full justice in any way (looks like a large smudge on the camera lense to be honest), but if you flip through them quickly you may get some idea just how quickly they change formation:

I also found these hugely entertaining:

But I think her feet were warmer than mine!


  1. Wow! I don't think I've ever seen that many starlings in one place! I think their numbers have been reducing alarmingly in the UK during the past few years, and now I know why. They're all at the rave in Denmark!

    I want some of those pink boots. I'd look like Fat Robot Barbie in them, but I still want some!!


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