J. Edgar Vacuum

Currently we have a house that has wooden floors (or possibly laminate - whatever) upstairs and tiles (marble??) downstairs.  This means the floors have to be vacuumed first then mopped - essentially doing the same job twice; not fun.  So, I took a trip to the shrine of John Lewis this week as I am in the UK hoping to find a machine that would the job in a one-r.  After extensive research, it appears one does not exist - eeeeeeeeeek!  I could get a steam cleaner which may help on the mopping front but because the flooring upstairs differs from the flooring downstairs I would need two - and I would still need to vacuum first.  I can't tell you how much this was the wrong answer!!

Anyway, saw this today - made me laugh despite the frustration levels <g>.


  1. If you can mop it, it's laminate. Trust me.

    We have chestnut parquet, which has to be waxed a couple of times a year. That is, vacuumed, mopped, allowed to dry, liquid wax applied, liquid wax brushed in with the black brushes on the special machine, then the white brushes on the special machine, then polished with the felt pads on the special machine.

    A bit of vacuuming and a quick mop doesn't sound so bad now, does it?!!!

    BTW, like, have fun at Lewlew's!!!!


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