
As my faithful reader knows, I have lived in some 'interesting' places; some have been 'challenging' and 'interesting' <g>.  One of the things I have missed in some of these 'interesting' places is being able to go to the pictures.  The Danes, bless their cotton socks, have a variety of well-appointed cinemas and even show films in English!!!  How fabulous is that?  There are Danish sub-titles, which made seeing Babel a bit of a challenge(!) but I just can't tell you how much I appreciate this.

So this month we have been to see J. Edgar, directed by Clint and amazingly did not star Morgan Freeman!  I thought it was extremely good.  I rather like Mr DiCaprio despite having written him off as nothing more than a pretty boy after Titanic, I think he has gone on to make some interesting and excellent films.  Of course, any film with Dame Dench is bound to be reasonable and it is fair to say she gave her usual outstanding performance.  Naomi Watts was also rather good as Hoover's personal assistant.  It's not an action packed film, more of a character study of the man who created the FBI and an amazing acting vehicle for the aforementioned Mr DC.  Although a couple of folks left, I thoroughly enjoyed it but it may not be everyone's cup of tea.

J. Edgar Poster

Last night we went to see War Horse.  It was OK, kind of Black Beauty with artillery, really.  I don't think I will rush to get it on DVD but it was a night out at the cinema so not complaining.


The Iron Lady is my next mission; I think it comes to Denmark at the end of the month.  In the meantime I may well go and see Mission Impossible.  Not really my kind of thing, but a chum wants to go and as I may have mentioned, I like going to the cinema.


  1. You must be getting old less quickly than me. Either that, or the punters at Danish cinemas behave better than the ones at British cinemas! I gave up going when the film soundtrack was competing with endless rabbiting, mobile phones, the crunching of popcorn, slurping of drinks, and sundry other unnecessary distractions. Why the **** people can't just sit quietly for a couple of hours and watch a film is beyond me! The last film I saw at the cinema was the James Bond one with Brosnan, Toby Stephens and Madonna!!!!!

    That said, J. Edgar looks interesting, and with the presence of La Dench should be worth a view. Can't do horses and artillery in the same film - not a good combination. And I had quite enough of the Batty Baroness when she was in charge!

    Still, nice to know that you're enjoying yourself in Denmark much more than you did in certain other "exotic" locations!

  2. After two years working in a law firm, it's surprising what you can tolerate ;-). You went to see a Bond film?! I didn't think you 'did' Bond? But then I remember the time when you didn't drink alcohol . Having tasted your magnificent margaritas I'm glad those days are well past ;-).

  3. You think quite correctly, I don't 'do' Bond (although I'd 'do' Pierce Brosnan quite happily!). Davy was in his Bond phase and wanted to see it. The fact that I don't really do Bond is underlined by the fact that I remember Brosnan, Stephens, Madonna, and Aston Martin and a shedload of snow, but not the title of the film!

  4. Anything with Madonna in is best left that way methinks - unremembered ;-)


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