Mountain out of a ............

I think I may have mentioned before that our gardener/handyman, Hans Erik, has declared war on the mole population in our front garden.  Moles, apparently, are rampant in Denmark and can be a source of major concern to gardeners and farmers alike.  I am less fussed; I tend to take the view that they were in the garden before me and I am really not too bothered as they are not digging up my (rather small) flowerbed so I am not worried.  Hans Erik takes a very different view and has been laying traps all winter. 

I had to laugh the other day though.  Hans Erik laid out a trap after yet another a mole hill appeared just outside our kitchen window.

About two days later a bunch of molehills appeared 3-4 metres to the right of his trap .......

And a few days after that a bunch of molehills arrived 3-4 meters to the left of his trap!

I can't help wondering if this is the mole-world equivalent of the 'V' sign :-).
