The Spangle has Landed!

Ollie 'Crumpet' (don't ask!) arrived chez Wallace on Saturday, 19th February and I think it is probably fair to say that Mark and I are totally besotted.  He seems to be a very calm, placid pup - he spent the three hour journey home on my lap and slept most of the way.  To be fair I do have a soporific effect on most people so perhaps this is not so surprising!  Once at the house he seemed to settle in pretty well only balking at going out into our huge back garden without some serious prodding.

The first night passed well apart from a minor blip at around 4.30 a.m. when I thought he was being a bit girlie but he was making a fuss about leaving his cage for essential 'maintenance' :-(.  Sunday was spent pretending not to be centring our whole existence around this new addition.  Frankly he is gorgeous, clearly the most delightful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy in Tistrup! <g>


  1. Awwwwwww! He's UBER-cute!!
    I love the way we give beastlets names and then just keep adding others once their personalities become clearer.
    Muddle the cat was frequently known as "Queen Mudds" or "The Furry-Faced Terrorist"!!
    Welcome to doting animal owner world........

  2. P.S. Seeing your beautifully manicured nails on one of the photos makes me understand why you've chosen a little pooch. I do half an hour of plastic-bone-based "fetch" playing with Athos every morning and have to scrub my hands clean afterwards. Nails are a thing of the past here!

  3. My friend Jo added Crumpet as I had been making some. Another friend, Sabrina (yes she was named after 'that one' in Charlie's Angels ) does the nails. I have to say I am hooked on manicures.

  4. Captain's Log - Supplemental

    When you say you were "making" some crumpets, do you mean putting some bought crumpets in the toaster, or do you mean making some crumpets from scratch. If the latter, recipe pleeeease!
    I could murder a crumpet!!

  5. Captain Slog - entirely irrelevant

    I have e-mailed you the recipe. Totally awesome!


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