Gesture Eating

Well, a few days into dog ownership and we all appear to be surviving and thriving, particularly Ollie who has us dancing rings around him.  Literally at times as he is very small and has a tendency to sit right by your feet if not actually on them; sometimes you have to dance your way around him to avoid treading on him.  We are not always that successful but fortunately Ollie comes with a very forgiving disposition.

We are deep in the throes of house-training and trying to convince Ollie that we are the Alpha pair.  We are trying to follow the Amichien principles laid down by Jan Fennell.  There are four key areas of dog behaviour that need to be addressed in order for him to recognise you as pack leader.  One area is food.  The pack leader provides the food and therefore has the right to eat first.  In order to demonstrate this to your dog the idea is to prepare his bowl of food and then sit and eat a biscuit in front of him.  You completely ignore him (pack leader eats undisturbed) and only when you have finished the biscuit do you place his bowl in front of him.  So there I was the other day womanfully gesture eating, ignoring Ollie who sniffed round me at first then sat down looked at me with his head on one side; then he got up, stood straight in front of me and wee'd.  Can't help thinking he was making some sort of gesture of his own!  This reaction is not covered in the DVD.

Anyway, more photos of His Canine Cuteness ........

Not sure if this is Mark's new 'mouse' ..... <g>


  1. I can remember when "Gesture Eating" referred to the rude hand gesture you would make if anyone tried to interrupt your dinner!! I think Ollie will soon realize who's in charge of food.....

  2. He is rather quick on the uptake :-))


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