Think I've calmed down now .....

The housewarming party is over; I think it went well.  The irony of having a housewarming party in a freezing cold tent, in the garden, in November was not entirely lost on some of the guests!  Fortunately the heating worked well; I say 'well' we had the choice of sauna or freezer but hey, it all worked out in the end.  The music was appreciated, the pig roast went down a treat and I had poured enough alcohol down everyone's throats by the end of the evening that some of them even got up to dance.

Inevitably there were a few hiccups; my beautiful friend Sabrina parked on the grass and had to be towed off.  Fortunately our neighbour, Hans Erik, had a rope otherwise she would have been staying the night.  Everyone mucked in (quite literally, it was a swamp out there) and pushed and pulled.  The grass now looks like it has been ploughed - hey ho!

Our friend Kevin stayed for the weekend.  This was good as it stopped me wondering if everyone had enjoyed the party.  Kevin is truly the most perfect house guest; co-operative, uncomplaining (even when we got him to the station late and he missed his train - ooops!) and eats everything put in front of him and has the good manners to go back for seconds <g>.

The tent goes up and .......

mercifully stays up despite gale force winds.  It could have turned into the largest kite in Denmark!

Ready to par-tay!

Chic McLean and the Islanders (well Islander!)

Somewhat bemused guests.

Guest of honour

The pig man cometh.

Staff clearing up.


  1. Looks wonderful - not sure about the post-mortem apparently taking place on your buffet, though!

  2. Ooooooh the pig was lovely and I don't really like pork. (Pork is very popular around these parts.) Can appreciate it wouldn't be your cup of tea though. I did ,however, have a vegetarian option available .


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