Two weeks in Esbjerg

Been here just over two weeks now.  It is a really nice place.  The people are friendly and helpful although my benchmark maybe a lot lower than most given that I am coming from Kazakhstan <g>.  Things are definitely done on Esbjerg time but that's OK because at least they get done.

I am getting to know some of the other expat ladies.  They have been incredibly friendly and welcoming in the way that only expats can be.  There are a lot of younger women here and they have children.  Four are pregnant so the main topic of conversation is short people.  I went to my first baby-shower on Saturday.  It was really sweet; the ladies organising it had put in a lot of effort and it was very well done. 

On Mondays we all meet at the library which is nice.  Elizabeth gave me her son to hold while she cleared up his lunch.  I have to confess I was more than a bit freaked!  People don't usually let me within a country mile of their kids, much less handover responsibility for them.  Albert is a very cute little boy but I have noticed that all short people insist on moving and I was terrified that I might drop him and cause some sort of serious disfigurement or brain damage.  Thankfully Elizabeth gave him to Auntie Sue who is way more competent than me in this department (probably in most departments - as it goes <g>).  I was more than a tad jealous when I saw him sat there contented as Larry and very little wriggle movement!  There is obviously a knack to this; duct tape is probably not it!

Maria José is a very beautiful Argentinian lady who due to spawn soon.  She is expecting a little girl; it is her first child.  She was explaining the position of the baby - the head was pointing down, the feet were somewhere up near her rib-cage - and how it was moving.  Jo was fascinated and was feeling the bump.  I did feel more than a little queasy (I have a very weak stomach!)  Then I felt bad because there was this lovely woman sharing what is obvioulsy a joyful personal experience for her - the birth of her first born - and all I could think of was John Hurt and scenes from Alien!  I am a bad person!!


  1. LMAO, as the kids say!

    I think it's a "Mum" thing - being enthused about someone else's alien. Personally, I'm prepared to forego the pleasure of touching them until they can take me down to the shops in their car!!!


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