Hair Raising Experience

Well, actually it was a more hair trimming experience but I thought 'Hair Raising' lent an air of tension to the piece :-).  I had my first hair cut in Esbjerg last week.  I went to a place called Dolls and Gents, recommended to me by the lovely Nyla.  It is one of the more nerve-wracking experiences in a new place, I find, locating a new hairdresser.  I am very precious about my hair; it is very fine, no hint of a curl and frankly looks a mess without a decent cut.  So finding someone who will turn this haystack into a finely coiffed master-piece is always something of a challenge.  Tina, my stylist, recognised instantly that she was dealing with a prima donna and made lots of soothing noises as she clipped and snipped the barnet into shape.  And I am very happy with the shape, so no tantrum and - more importantly, to paraphrase the great Phil Collins - No Hat Required <g>.


  1. Oh, lucky you! My last haircut was in December 2008 before we left the UK. Having seen Kevin suffering everything from "a number two all over" and something that looked like Melvyn Bragg having just got off a motorbike, I haven't been able to summon up the courage to entrust my locks to a "professional" here. If Tina is ever headed for the south of France, please send her my way!

    You may be bemused to know that I now cut Kevin's hair for him. Having watched the great Carmela cut it every six weeks for four years, I reckoned I had a pretty good idea of how to do it - and I do!!!!!!!!!


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