End of January!

I can't quite believe that we are almost at the end of January.  1/12 of the year over already!  This week has been 'challenging and interesting' in many ways.  My father's health continues to be a cause for concern; more blood tests next week - hey ho!

My new pedometer arrived last week and it has so far avoided the watery grave reserved for its predecessors.  This one seems to have a stronger clip than the others so I have high hopes for its survival.  After another trip to the chiropractor I am now upright and walking normally.  Back to tennis tomorrow.

Speaking of tennis, I had a very traumatic Sunday morning watching Andy Murray lose to Novak Djokovic in the Australian Open.  It was a very close match for the first two sets but Mr D started to get the upper hand in the third set and I think by that point Mr M was mentally exhausted.  It was a great tennis spectacle and though, of course, I would have preferred a different outcome Mr D was a worthy winner.  I have high hopes for Mr M this year :-)

On the New Year Resolutions front, I am continuing to exercise and all that kind of good stuff.  I have rather stalled on the reading front.  Moby Dick is providing something of a challenge so I have given it time off for good behaviour and am now reading All the Light I cannot See by Anthony Doerr which is a bookclub book. I have continued with reading poetry; I have been reading work by Anna Letitia Barbauld this week.  Quite liked Washing Day.  I'm moving on to Coleridge next week.  I started to enjoy his stuff towards the end of the OU course.
