
Autumn has arrived in Denmark with a bit of a fanfare.  The last few years we have eased into the season with temperatures getting gradually cooler and the nights beginning to draw in.  This year we have already cranked up the heating to full and yanked out the woollies and the 'big dark', as they call it in Aberdeen, has descended.

So, I took myself off to the local garden centre on a desparate mission to inject a bit of life and colour into the garden.  I really do not have a good track record with pots but I keep on trying and I checked out the autumn flowers section and took the plunge. 

I started off with a couple of purple chysanthemums.


I have been having a few Brassica moments lately so when I saw this purple cabbage I thought, 'I'll have some of that!'

Teamed with a selection of Hebe bushes and a pot of Cyclamen I was feeling very Alan Titchmarsh.

Pooch, on the other hand. appears spectacularly unimpressed! <g>


  1. Ollie is clearly thinking, "I hope she's not expecting me to eat that!"

    All looking very pretty, I must say. When you're fed up with them, let me know. I can kill a hebe faster than anyone you've ever met!


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