It's 'king cold outside!

to paraphrase the great Dean Martin, the illustrious Tom Jones - boyo - et al.  It was minus 18 on Friday evening.  MINUS.  18!!!!  That qualifies as seriously cold on the 'f'-ometer.

However, no matter how cold it is, it doesn't appear to deter the pooch.  He seems happy to snuffle around in the snow:

right up to his *rs*:

and throw in some 'Prince Charming' impersonations along the way <g>.

Foolishly we went down to the river where the furry one decided to see if he could walk on water!  Inevitably the ice broke and one very cold and wet doglet had to be dragged out by a grumpy husband who then ran all the way home because his feet were beginning to freeze - literally!

It did, however, give me the opportunity to get some lovely photos:


  1. That last photo is fabulous. Print and frame, lovey, print and frame!

    You are not alone in canine induced suffering. The Hairy One came back from his afternoon adventure with icicles hanging off his *rs*!!!!

  2. Just back from a walk with Ollie and he has icicles under his chin, lol. BTW, thanks for the comments about the piccies :-).

  3. Today's offering has been re-christened "arsicles"!!!!!! How did we manage to miss out on the joys of dog ownership for so long?

  4. I've wanted a dog for yonks; understandably parents weren't so keen and then working full-time, then being overseas, blah, blah, blah. So now finally got one. Hoping to get a black and tan CKC Spangle at the end of the year, then the pack will be complete .


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