Burns Supper - Esjberg style

Mark and I decided to have a few folks round for dinner last weekend and when we were sorting out what date would be good for us we noticed that it was close to the Scottish Bard's birthday so we thought we would make it a Burns night.  Guests were invited, tasks assigned and off we went.  It's fair to say that it was a very informal and low-key event but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

The Immortal Memory done as a Danish TV chat show by Malene and John:

The toast to the Lassies carried out with suitable aplomb by the dapper Steffen:

And the 'lassies' were suitably impressed:

The Lassies Response aka Toast to the Laddies was undertaken by the lovely Emma:

which was met with approval by all the 'laddies':

The only glitch of the evening was my 'traditional Scottish dessert' - Cranachan:

Slightly overdid the oatmeal so it rather tasted like sawdust!  But they did look pretty ;-)


  1. The cranachans look gorgeous! Did you soak the oatmeal in whisky to avoid the sawdust effect? And where's the photo of the wild hairy haggis? I've just looked again and found him, enjoying the toast to the Laddies!!!


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