Now generally, I am pretty good at not getting too involved in arranging stuff. I tend to occupy a very much background role, being generally supportive, offering advice and buying the odd glass of wine to settle the nerves of those actually doing the work. However, due to some expert slopey-shoulder manoeuvering on the part of a chum of mine I found myself organising the EIS Christmas Lunch and Secreta Santa experience! WTF!!
We all went to a hotel in Hjerting who did us proud, even though they did shut the door when we got to roudy. Santa would not deliver the presents unless the recipient was actually seated on his knee. Much hilarity.

We all went to a hotel in Hjerting who did us proud, even though they did shut the door when we got to roudy. Santa would not deliver the presents unless the recipient was actually seated on his knee. Much hilarity.
'The Help' helping with the decorations
Before the carnage commenced

So far, so good ................
Santa enjoying a well earned pint
So glad it's all over! :-)
And I think most people are still talking to me
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