Noo York! Noo York!

Can't quite believe it's been nearly three months since I 'blogged', how very remiss!!

Anyway, at the end of May a couple of friends and I met up for a bit of a reunion.  We were all in China together and decided that as Victoria was moving to Africa (brave woman) that we would try and meet up in a relatively 'central' location.  'Central' bearing in mind that one of us is in Scotland, three are in Houston, one is in New Zealand and I am in Denmark.  After nearly two years of planning, only three of us turned up!  But much fun was had.

Victoria and Barbara (aka Babala as the Chinese couldn't say Barbara!)

Both are keen photographers :-))

We stayed at a hotel in Times Square.

which was a fabulous location but hideously expensive.  I only wanted a room not the whole hotel! 

We checked out the sights.

Barbara wanted to see Ground Zero which was an intensely sobering experience.  I was quite amazed at just how many buildings actually stayed standing after the Twin Towers collapsed.

A trip out to Liberty Island was a pre-requisite.

And then a boat trip along the (Mr) 'udson River .... 

to check out the (Mrs) bridges *groan*.

And a trip up the Empire State building was called for but as I had already been up it twice we decided to go at night as it would be a nice change for me :-).


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