Sue and Howard's Visit

One of the joys of studying with the Open University is all the fabulous people I have met over the years.  Sue (or V4 as she is often known) and I did an English Lit course together and have been firm friends ever since.  Sue and her husband Howard came to visit the other weekend.  Naturally it was perishingly cold but that didn't stop us going to the beach:

where I narrowly avoided getting them both blown up as we all blithely ignored the signs warning us that part of the beach was a firing range!  Hey ho.

We made the inevitable visit to see Man Meets the Sea by Svend Wiig Hansen:

and the equally inevitable visit to Ribe Cathedral:

Inevitable as these are the only places Mark and I have sussed out for visitors to visit!

Less inevitable was the afternoon spent at the Esbjerg International School Fund Raiser.  Thankfully it was inside and therefore warm and lots of food was on offer.  Result! The highlight (sort of) was me winning two tickets to see Esbjerg play football (cup runs over, etc <g>).


  1. Which man was meeting the sea?

    I'm sure your beloved is very pleased with free tickets to sport!

  2. I guess they all are in their own individual way. It's a tribute to people who make their living on the waves apparently. It is actually quite impressive.


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