Gearing up for the weekend

Big weekend ahead of us; it is The Beloved's 50th birthday.  Some of Mark's friends, his mum and my dad are flying into Copenhagen for a party at Fiat in Kongens Nytorv on Saturday night.  Then 'TB' will fly out to the US on Sunday morning, the day of his birthday, to attend a course that the company - in its infinite wisdom - want him to attend.  Gotta love Maersk.  They have managed to stuff up our holiday, wedding anniversary and Mark's birthday this year - quite a hat-trick methinks.

Still, looking forward to catching up with folks Saturday night.  MiL will be on good form I reckon; dad will be telling everyone about his trip to Ireland and Mark will no doubt be doing his best to stay awake past 10 o'clock - not a night owl my husband.

Monday I fly back to the UK with dad and will spend a few days catching up with friends and sorting out the mountain of stuff that is in dad's spare room and trying to decide what can stay and what to bring back.  I have a dream that one day all our possessions will actually be in the same location as we are!


  1. So, let me get this right, the course in America isn't Maersk's birthday present to TB?
    Hope everyone has a great party.
    BIG birthday wave (before 10 pm and no physical contact involved, obviously) to Mark!!


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